Tuesday, October 4, 2011

B L A C K is the absence of color - but has found her match - R O Y A L B L U E !

Traveling from T R A I N I N G to T R A I N I N G, C L A S S to C L A S S, C I T Y to C I T Y...
she is the perfect fit!

1. C O L O R: This royal blue is my color of the season.  It's rich hue is the perfect accent against my favorite color in my wardrobe - black. (yes, black is not a "color" it is the absence of color; therefore, not a color... but I speak of the description of apparel...)

2. S H A P E: It hangs on your shoulder perfectly - no matter how much is inside.  I can fit 3 days worth of clothing in this bag, and it still rests perfectly on my shoulder.  Even when its not packed to the top, it resembles a most delicate shapely, outline.

3. F U N C T I O N A L I T Y: I use it as a weekend bag, an everyday bag, and training bag.  It goes with everything, suits me in my everyday schedulings, and never fails me.  

4. M A T E R I A L: light-weight, polyester... fully-lined...magnifique !!!

5. S T Y L E: Its modern shape and color makes me feel oh so cool.  The zippers are my second favorite detail (aside from the color) the heavy, duty zip gives it the accent that the royal blue needs.  They make a perfect couple. Don't you agree?

Go visit her ! A D I D A S by S T E L L A M C C A R T N E Y S H E L L B A G