Tuesday, November 22, 2011

t h i n k T h i n a n d E A T !

thinkThin is one of my favorite protein bars!  
I am a huge fan of this tasty, sugar-free, gluten-free, 20G protein packed bar of goodness.
It is nutritous and satisfying and provides you with the energy needed pre- and post-workout.
I don't like to eat to heavy before my workouts, but need the sustenance of 
carbohydrate and protein for E N E R G Y.
Because this product is sugar-free and gluten-free, you won't feel the nasty side effects of these two additives so frequently found in many protein bar products.

A N D . . .
A N D . . .
A N D ! ! !

A new flavor has just arrived... 

C A R A M E L F U D G E.

OO la la.  It's like candy!!!!!

Visit, my friends...

T E L L M E W H A T U T H I N K.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post made it sound very interesting. I would like to try it.
