Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You don't have to go to F L O R I D A to visit O R L A N D O!

He made my day - in everyway!
Mr. J O E M A R T I N O dyed, washed, cut, razored, and blew out my hair 
in 1 hour and 45 minutes 
so I can make it in time for training!

What a T A L E N T!
His attention to detail, his style, and his adequacy 
allowed me to walk away with my new DO: 
dramatically blowing in the cold NYC wind.

He made my day. 
 He made me feel like... 


Joe Martino gives the best Blow-outs!

In Action!
T H A N K Y O U 
G E O R G E C A S S O N and O R L A N D O P I T A 
for hooking me up!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I L O V E M Y L O N G S L E E V E S.

I love my long-sleeved capezio leotard.

I wear it to work out, to dance in, under t-shirts, and even to dinner ! 
(not the same one... I own more than one)

It is the most functional, practical piece of clothing any girl can hope for.

It's been through 923049 washes and its stretch and quality still stand.

For only $16.50... $33.00 for two... it is one of the best investments I have EVER made in my
 E N T I R E life.

It takes a lot for me to trust in something.

It's never let me down.

I L O V E Y O U.

You can buy her too.   BUY ME 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

S P A R K E D A P A R T Y I N M Y M O U T H !

After an exhausting fabulous workout - I needed a quick reboost of nutrients, protein, small amount of carbs, and goodness.
What did I do?  Where could I go to find something organic, healthy, and satiating? 

Stephanie Sisugawara is one of the most creative, nutritional chefs in the world!
She made a delicious non-meat, nut, and vegetable pate.

Ground mixture of nuts, vegetables, seasoning... delicately placed on top of a flax seed cracker, she carefully drizzled olive oil, and sprinkled a small amount of sea salt.

A beautifully constructed piece of art: this 2-bite treat was the perfect solution to my hunger.
Not only did it satiate, but it made me so happy !  The mixture of flavors and textures was out of this world!
After a workout, it's important to refuel.  Keeping my metabolism burning and my body happy... the party in my mouth was a success.

Thank you Stephanie - you're a genius!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

t h i n k T h i n a n d E A T !

thinkThin is one of my favorite protein bars!  
I am a huge fan of this tasty, sugar-free, gluten-free, 20G protein packed bar of goodness.
It is nutritous and satisfying and provides you with the energy needed pre- and post-workout.
I don't like to eat to heavy before my workouts, but need the sustenance of 
carbohydrate and protein for E N E R G Y.
Because this product is sugar-free and gluten-free, you won't feel the nasty side effects of these two additives so frequently found in many protein bar products.

A N D . . .
A N D . . .
A N D ! ! !

A new flavor has just arrived... 

C A R A M E L F U D G E.

OO la la.  It's like candy!!!!!

Visit, my friends...

T E L L M E W H A T U T H I N K.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

B L A C K is the absence of color - but has found her match - R O Y A L B L U E !

Traveling from T R A I N I N G to T R A I N I N G, C L A S S to C L A S S, C I T Y to C I T Y...
she is the perfect fit!

1. C O L O R: This royal blue is my color of the season.  It's rich hue is the perfect accent against my favorite color in my wardrobe - black. (yes, black is not a "color" it is the absence of color; therefore, not a color... but I speak of the description of apparel...)

2. S H A P E: It hangs on your shoulder perfectly - no matter how much is inside.  I can fit 3 days worth of clothing in this bag, and it still rests perfectly on my shoulder.  Even when its not packed to the top, it resembles a most delicate shapely, outline.

3. F U N C T I O N A L I T Y: I use it as a weekend bag, an everyday bag, and training bag.  It goes with everything, suits me in my everyday schedulings, and never fails me.  

4. M A T E R I A L: light-weight, polyester... fully-lined...magnifique !!!

5. S T Y L E: Its modern shape and color makes me feel oh so cool.  The zippers are my second favorite detail (aside from the color) the heavy, duty zip gives it the accent that the royal blue needs.  They make a perfect couple. Don't you agree?

Go visit her ! A D I D A S by S T E L L A M C C A R T N E Y S H E L L B A G

Thursday, September 29, 2011

H Y D R A T E !
I'm at the airport on my way to Hard Candy Fitness. Hard Candy Fitness.

I have a lot of work to complete and a tight schedule! I'm there for a day and have 12 hours of dancing, training, teaching, and inspiring to do!

For anybody constantly traveling, I always take with me 1.5L of water, facial mist with lavendar, and chromium picollinate.

It's important to stay EXTREMELY hydrated in order to "de-puff" to keep your sleek cheekbones in check.

The facial mist keeps your face hydrated as you rise to high altitudes; and the lavendar is a scent used to calm the mind and body.

Chromium Picollinate is one of my favorite supplements as it increases metabolism.  A small amount can go a long way.  I take 300mg a day and notice a huge difference when I 
D O N'T have it with me.

Even though I have a huge schedule in front of me, I always take care and plan ahead so that I am refreshed, hydrated and energized when I get off the plane.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



F U N in N Y C!  
My Wedges are paired with fishnets, a loose fitting black top, and my Stella Puffy raincoat.  
Wedges = are my favorite shoes. They give me height and are super comfortable after a long day of training and dancing.
Fishnets = remind me of my Broadway days.  They are always fun and make a girl feel sexy and comfortable!
Raincoat = This is the most functional raincoat/sportcoat I have seen for a long time!  I wear it out and also to train in the mornings. (not during training, but to and from... that would be weird.)

Once again, Stella has been able to make a fully functional, stylish, and feminine sporty number!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

the GINSENG secret.

This MIGHTY herb is the secret antidote to increasing metabolism, stamina, focus, and results.  By ingesting this herb, you will see a change... RIGHT AWAY.

My favorite product: Red Panax Ginseng Extract.  You are getting the PUREST form of ginseng, and as a result, the extract will be ingested straight to the bloodstream.

1. regualte blood sugar = reduces amount of carbohydrates stored as fat.
2. stimuate blood flow = fight fatigue inscrease sports performance
3. boost immune system
4. increase energy = more results, more focus, more productivity

I swear by the GINSENG secret.  If I need a boost, this stimulant is the sure way to wake me up!
Take this 2 times a week before your workout.

Monday, September 19, 2011





EAT FOR FUEL AND YOU WILL BE LOOKING SO BEYOND. (and if you do my workout too...)

These are my 3 FAVORITE proteins and veggies to accompany my meal.

Everybody knows how much I LOVE food, and these three meal choices are by far the tastiest, most energy sustaining, healthy meals from my menu.

And YES, you can order this at ANY restaurant.  Just because it's not on the menu... does NOT mean they don't have it.

DEMAND it.  :)  Nicely.  Tell them you want to look good.  They'll understand.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Look at my Stella McCartney leggings!  I know.  There are ripped up.  Look at my saucony's! I know. They are 8 inches high.  Look at my leotard! I know. It's black and high-cut.
Having fun with sport's and dancewear means no rules.
My good friend Donovan McClenton (check out his blog http://memoirsoffashion.blogspot.com/) took these fun pictures of me.  We had fun, mixing and matching and creating a wild look for me to pose in.
I recommend NOT working out in these sneakers... I tried... jk.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

B L A C K A N D W H I T E.

M I X my Textures.
S L I C K my Hair.
A C C E N T Black and White.
P O P - I T with lips and nails.
P R O T E C T my hands.
P U L L - U P my thigh-highs.
T I E my laces.
Z I P my jacket.
K E E P it simple.
Thank you Stella McCartney for adorning me with your clothes by Adidas FW11, SS11. Thank you Matilda Finn for capturing me. Thank you body for keeping me F I T and H E A L T H Y.
When you F E E L good, you P E R F O R M your B E S T.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

W O R K O U T - W E A R F O R A N I G H T O U T !?!

I was feeling D A R K and B L A C K in the NYC sunshine.
I had the day off from training, dancing, and rehearsing - I felt the urge to wear A L L B L A C K.
I adorned myself in my favorite S T E L L A G E A R and paired it with my M A I S O N M A R G I E L A wedges that I absolutely am in love with.
My S T E L L A for A D I D A S butterfly sport zip-up was paired with her elastic band silk warm-up pants.
My signature S L I C K black ponytail was the perfect touch.
C O M F O R T A B L E, C H I C, S I M P L E, S E X Y.
I assure you - I was the only one in black. And I loved it!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

T R A I N I N G au P A R I S.

My Reeboks. My Paris.
Paris was so beautiful.
One of the most amazing moments in my life.
I was able to train, dance, workout, and enjoy each and every thing the city had to offer: dance, walk, see, enjoy amazing food, and be amongst the most inspiring artist's in the world.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

J E T ' A I M E J E R E M Y S C O T T.

Bonjour !
Je suis au Paris. Oh la la. C'est super!
Before I departed NYC... I ordered a hot tea from the beautiful waitress at the BA suite.
Merci la fille!
Here I am wearing my most F A V O R I T E sweatshirt in the world!
Mr. Scott made a cotton sweatshirt covered in lace, with an ultra suede adidas logo sewn to the front. I received 3 compliments within 5 minutes.... not to mention getting stopped on the street by this sweatshirt !
I wear it almost everyday.
"There's no place like home."
My sneakers are bedazzled with Mr. Scott's play on Dorothy's Ruby Slippers. My shoes are my ode to my gym... There's no place like the studio. Mr. Scott sent these to me!!!
I paired it with my Stella silk and nylon running pants and Stella bag.

Thank you Adidas.
and most importantly, thank you Mr. Scott. You know how to turn anything plain into a million different conversations. Everytime I wear your clothes... I get stopped AT LEAST 3X a day.

Je t'aime Paris et Mr. Scott!

Friday, June 10, 2011


He is C O O L.
He is S T Y L I S H.
He is F U N.
He is S E A G R E E N A N D B L A C K.

Ode to my Men's Nike High Tops.

How unique and simple is this hidden treasure I found in London.
You'd think Nike went into a collaboration with Proenza Schouler.
The accent of the most unique tint of green... the "sea" green, stands out against the deep black.
I love the height and shape of the shoe. It's modernly structured and has a unique blend of textures. Like a Picasso. On my foot.

They can "make" your outfit. But I make sure that it doesn't draw too much attention away from my gleaming smile: whether I'm struttin' or dancin'.

It's nice to have men at your feet... get it?

(I couldn't keep away from her... STELLA track pants, and STELLA track shorts.)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

M Y A D I D A S.

My adidas sweatshirt.
My favorite sweatshirt.
It makes me feel sexy and strong.
It's black... It's detailing is simple, yet unique. I can wear it on my way to the gym, to the dance studio, or dress it up with fun tights to a fun night of dinner and dancing.
Look how different I can dress it up!
Aie aie aie.
C'est chaud!
It gets better...
The zipper, zips all the way to the top! (in case you need to hide...)

I've paired it with: 1. wolford tights and fishnets.
sexy & strong
Feminine masculinity.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Black. Shapes. Lines.
The architecture of each piece is simple, yet highly defined.
I had created a master-piece!!! pairing my A Wang jacket, McQueen top, and a long, stretch cotton skirt.
What makes this outfit is the variation of textures, the lengths at which each piece falls, and the silouette it creates against my body.
I can't get enough. yum. yum.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

DANCIN' in my STELLA crop top and bottoms... mucho bueno!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Oh Stella. How you feed my soul, my womanhood, and my body. Yet again, you have come out with a sexy, supportive, barely there number. I love this bathing suit. The back is open and most daring. It makes me want to arch my back and show off my feminine, strong figure... at the same time, it makes me want to workout out even harder to continue chiseling away at my exposed body parts... and yes, the lower abdomen is the trickiest place for a woman. But, if she gets it right - which she MUST... then... she will flaunt her sexy figure: ARCH and EXPOSE her sexy back. I have paired it with my Stella running shorts and also my Stella track pants. I am wearing them with my Y-3 Adidas high tops and my old-skool shell tops. Merci beaucoup madamoiselle. Ooo la la!!!


How I adore the fit, cut, and functionlity of my Red Freddy Track Pants. The color is bold and makes heads turn. The fit is my favorite: just baggy enough, yet fitted enough to outline the shape of my body. I keep the bottom zipper unzipped, allowing the bottom of the pants to gently fall over my snearkers... my ankle socks and my ankle are daintily exposed. Working out in them is perfect - the fabric is thin enough, but makes me SWEAT even more!!!
My red Freddy track pants are paired with my Nike Dri-fit Men's shirt from Brazil's 2010 Carnival sponsored by Brahma. Tudo MUITO bem!!!!